American Students for Health

Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Centre in Lviv, Ukraine

In the throes of the ongoing Ukrainian conflict, our focus zeroed in on the Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Centre (WUSCMC). This critical institution annually caters to 7,000 to 7,500 children grappling with formidable challenges such as cancer, rare diseases, or the pressing need for organ transplants. Amidst the chaos of the conflict, this laboratory carried out 11 successful kidney transplants, with projections of 6-7 more before year's end. With your invaluable assistance, our campaign's objective succeeded in raising $2000 to secure vital lab reagents, including DNA typing trays, agarose, TBE Buffer, and Taq Polymerase. These reagents, essential for pinpointing organ-donor compatibility, found their home in WUSCMC's state-of-the-art PCR laboratory. Your donations played a monumental role in the life-altering transformations of at least 12 children annually. To offer more insight regarding financials, please check the GoFundMe link here:

However, our proudest announcement is the life-changing difference your contributions have made. Thanks to your support, a 5-year-old girl named Snizhanka, previously tethered to the constraints of hemodialysis due to a complex kidney disease, has received a successful kidney transplant. The surgery, an end to her years of relentless medical treatments, promises her a newfound chance at a normal life. As a team, we're immeasurably grateful for your unwavering support. Our journey with you doesn't end here. Keep an eye on our updates, and thank you once again for being a beacon of hope in these trying times.


We are thrilled to announce another remarkable transplant that occurred thanks to YOUR donations as part of our previous fundraising campaign for PCR reagents!

Yuriy is 13 years old and comes from Zolochiv (Lviv region). He was diagnosed with kidney failure at the age of 7. As the disease progressed, his mother, without hesitation, agreed to become a donor for her son. The Center's Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory (the laboratory which we donated the reagents to) conducted all necessary immunological studies and confirmed compatibility.

We once again wanted to thank everyone for their support. We gave Yuriy another chance at life, and we believe that that is truly priceless. We couldn’t have done this without you.

Please stay tuned for our next campaign, which will be coming shortly!